Guidelines for Contributors to Tetsugaku: International Journal (Free Themes)

* Only the members of the Philosophical Association of Japan are entitled to submit an article of free themes.

·         Articles written in English, French or German should not exceed 7,500 words (including notes) and should follow the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of style (

·         All contributions should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using following template:

·         TEMPLATE for articles(click to download)

·         All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

·         Neither author’s name nor institutional affiliation should be shown in paper itself. Any acknowledgements and materials that allow identification of the author should be removed prior to submission.

·         Personal information about the author should be included in “Cover Letter” using following template.

·         TEMPLATE for cover letter(click to download)

Please send your written statement filled in this format .

·         Articles should include an abstract around 300 words.

·         Articles and cover letters should be sent to < email hidden; JavaScript is required >

·         The Editors or referee(s) may decline a submission or request substantial revisions. It is essential that manuscripts be reviewed by a native speaker before submission.

·         At the proof stage, authors can only make typographical changes to the manuscript.

·         Authors are responsible for correct spelling, grammar, and other aspects of style that may affect the clarity and accessibility of the text. However, the editors may actively edit for these if necessary. ·        Please completely delete your personal metadata from your files.

(Revised March 2022)

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