On the Project of Hosting the 26th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2028) in Tokyo

The Japanese Federation of Philosophical Societies (JFPS) has decided to launch its bid for hosting the 26th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2028) in Tokyo. JFPS consists of, in addition to the Japanese Philosophical Association (JPA), the following five academic societies: the Japanese Society for Ethics, the Japanese Society for Aesthetics, Japanese Association for Religious Studies, and the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, and the Sinological Society of Japan.

The Bid Committee of the Project has completed and published the prospectus for the bid. The following are the two versions of the prospect (the former is a longer one in pamphlet form and the latter is a shorter one in flier form) .

WCP2028Tokyo PRpamphlet

WCP2028Tokyo PRpamphlet_P4

Tetsugaku, Vol.8 (2024)
Regarding CFP Announcement for Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS)
2024年度 評議員選挙/理事・会計監査選挙 開催日程のご案内
第84回大会(2025年) 立正大学
「ギリシア哲学講演会:Chloe Balla教授」開催(11月6日・東京)
シンポジウム “Emersonian perfectionism and the tragic sense”(京都大学、11月30日)開催のお知らせ
富山大学 哲学分野の専任教員公募(女性限定)のお知らせ
北海道大学大学院文学研究院 哲学倫理学研究室の准教授又は講師の公募
横浜国立大学教育学部 哲学・倫理学の助教公募のお知らせ
新潟大学人文学部 道徳哲学の専任教員公募のお知らせ(8/19〆切)
名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科哲学分野 准教授公募のお知らせ
On the Project of Hosting the 26th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2028) in Tokyo