
2013/6/24 掲載 : 日本哲学会事務局


香港大学哲学科では、2013年12月12日(木)から13日(金)にかけて、アジア圏(香港、日本、中国、台湾、韓国、シンガポールなど)の大学院生を対象とした国際学会「Art & Emotion」を開催いたします。この学会は、アジア各国の関連分野で研究をしている大学院生同士の交流を図ることを目的としており、また、各関連分野からMatthew Kieran (Leeds)、Amy Coplan (Calfornia, Fullerton)、A.A. Long (California, Berkeley) を招き、大学院生の発表にアドバイスやコメントもいただく予定です。


Postgraduate Conference ART & EMOTION (University of Hong Kong)

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong is pleased to announce:

International Postgraduate Conference
Department of Philosophy, University of Hong Kong
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th, December 2013

 We invite interested postgraduate students to submit proposals for papers (20mins + 10mins discussion).

The Aim of the Conference:
There is a growing interest in understanding emotions and their place in human experience. What is emotion – is it a state, or is it a process? What, if anything, do our emotions tell us about the world or our needs? What is and should be the role of emotions in, for example, approaching ethical dilemmas? One of the areas in which these questions become most vibrant is in thinking about art in its broadest possible sense (fine arts, music, cinema, literature, etc). Do artworks arouse real or quasi emotions? How do we derive pleasure from experiencing negative emotions in art? Is there any moral – or pragmatic – value in an emotional engagement with artworks? If artworks succeed in evoking emotion, what can that tell us about the nature of emotions per se? This conference is designed to provide postgraduatestudents who are working on said issues in aesthetics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of art and other relevant fields (inc. psychology, arts, and literature) the opportunity to present their work-in-progress to peers for review and dialogue.

Keynote Speakers:

Matthew Kieran
Professor of Philosophy and the Arts, Leeds University
Co-author of Media and Values: Intimate Transgressions in a Changing Moral and Cultural Landscape, 2008, Chicago: UCP.
Revealing Art: Why Art Matters, 2005, London: Routledge.

 Amy Coplan
Associate Professor of Philosophy, California State University, Fullerton
Co-editor of Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, 2011, New York: OUP.

Guest Commentator:

Anthony Long
Professor of Classics and Irving G. Stone Professor of Literature; Affiliated Professor of Philosophy and Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley

Papers should be no more than 3000 words, for 20 minutes presentationfollowed by a question and answer session.

The conference is free of charge (including tea, coffee and snacks during the conference days).

In addition, we will offer on-campus accommodation for two nights to up to 5 non-HK based participants. Please indicate if you wish to be considered for this award.

If you are interested in giving a paper please submit an Abstract (250 words) to email hidden; JavaScript is required by Monday 2nd September 2013. For any inquiries, please contact us via the same conference email address.

Organizing committee: Ho Ka Yan Kathleen, Li Hong-Ting, Suzuki Yumi, UlasEkin, Yeung Lorraine.

Department Advisers: Dr Timothy O’Leary and Dr Edoardo Zamuner

HKU Philosophy Website:
This Conference is supported by the Postgraduate Students Conference Grant of the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong. It is also supported by the Department of Philosophy and the School of Humanities at HKU.