The Philosophical Association of Japan seeks to promote the study of philosophy and active interaction among researchers from philosophy, working as a forum to discuss on research, education and the role of philosophy in the modern world.

History of the Philosophical Association of Japan (PAJ)
In 1874 NISHI Amane (1829-1897), who had studied social sciences and philosophy from 1863 to 1865 at the University of Leiden/the Netherlands, first translated the word “philosophy” with the Japanese term “tetsugaku.” This term, written in Chinese characters, was widely adopted in East Asia. This new term penetrated naturally into Japanese society and gradually came to play an important role in the development of humanities during half a century. In 1949, the Philosophical Association of Japan was founded by Japanese philosophers, and AMANO Teiyū (1884-1980) was elected its first president. Beginning in 1952, especially through the efforts of the presidents AMANO, IDE Takashi (1892-1980), SHIMOMURA Toratarō (1902-1995), MUTAI Risaku (1880- 1974), WATSUJI Tetsurō (1889-1960), the journal『哲學』PHILOSOPHY (Tetsugaku): Annual Review of the Philosophical Association of Japan(mainly in Japanese) was published with the primary purpose of offering occasions for the exchange of opinions and information about research in philosophy inside and outside of Japan. Since then, the journal has been published annually, with its most recent, Volume 69, published in April of 2018. The members of our Association number about 1,400 at present, and we focus mainly on western philosophy from ancient to contemporary, from theoretical to practical, from the philosophy of science to applied philosophy as well as Japanese modern philosophy.
(Quoted from the Statement of KATO Yasushi, President of the Philosophical Association of Japan, with some modifications;

Activities of the PAJ
The PAJ mainly engages in the following four activities.

(1) Annual Conference
The PAJ organizes a three-day annual conference consisting of oral presentations, General Symposium (GS), Societies Symposium (SS), International Sessions, joint research workshops, PAJ Working group workshops, and the General Assembly. Most recently, the 77 th annual conference was held on May 18-20, 2018 at Kobe University. The PAJ symposia—GS and SS—have thus far discussed various topics of philosophy, including:
AI and the Philosophy of Robots (GS), What is Life? (SS)

What Philosophical Significance Does Research in History of Philosophy Have Today? (GS), Religion and Philosophy (SS)

Political Responsibility of Philosophy—Heidegger and the Kyoto School (GS) Science, Society and Research Integrity (SS)

Care—To Live Together (GS), Liberal Education, Past and Future (SS)

(2) Publications
The PAJ publishes three different types of journal every year:
The Association’s journal 『哲學』(Philosophy (Tetsugaku): Annual Review of the Philosophical Association of Japan) 『哲學』No. 69 was published in April, 2018.

The Association’s international journal: Tetsugaku: International Journal of the
Philosophical Association of Japan (online publication)
Tetsugaku Vol. 1, 2017; Special Theme: Philosophy and the University
Tetsugaku Vol. 2, 2018; Special Theme: Philosophy and Translation
Call for papers Tetsugaku Vol. 3, 2019 Spring; Special Theme: “Japanese Philosophy” For Guidelines for Contributors to Tetsugaku: International Journal,

The Association’s internet journal 『哲学の門:大学院生研究論集』(The Gate of Philosophy: Journal for Graduate Students)

(3) PAJ Working groups
The PAJ currently organizes three WGs concerning (i) gender equality and support for young philosophers, (ii) education of philosophy, and (iii) international exchange.
PAJ Working group on gender equality and support for young philosophers was established in May 2012, based on the activities of the WG on promotion of gender equality for one year from 2005. The WG is working on various activities with the aim of improving the status of women and other genders in PAJ and supporting young philosophers in Japan. Regarding gender equality, the WG is investigating the current situation of gender balance in PAJ and Japanese philosophical fomunity, pointing out problems and proposing improvement plan. To support young researchers in Japan, the WG is providing opportunities to improve their skills for writing scholarly articles and application forms, educating in classes, facilitating. The WG is also in charge of networking events for graduate students. This WG works in cooperation with GEAHSS, interdisciplinary interest group in gender equality under Science Council of Japan.

PAJ Working group on philosophy education is meant to promote philosophy education in the contemporary Japanese society. It has been holding regular annual “Workshops for Philosophy Education,” which has been open to the public. Though the topics of the workshops are wide-ranging, the topic most frequently taken up so far is philosophy education in senior high schools. This is natural, considering the fact that “Ethics” taught in high schools is the only “philosophical” subject taught in primary and secondary education in Japan. In the workshop of 2018, the high school subject “Citizenship,” which is to be introduced in 2020, was taken up. Other topics are philosophy education in universities, elementary schools and junior high schools, and philosophical dialogue among citizens.

PAJ Working group on international exchange is meant to be a dynamo to internationalize the association and Japanese philosophical landscape furthermore. It organizes various academic occasions in which both oversea and domestic philosophers jointly engage in philosophical discussions such as International Sessions in PAJ’s annual conferences and panels of the World Congress of Philosophy. The working group is also keen to establish a platform of international exchange among philosophers in Asia. For instance, it has been co-organizing with the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese academy of Social Sciences and other philosophical institutions in China a triennial conference series; Japan China Philosophy Forum, since 2006.

(4) The Award and Grants
The PAJ has established the PAJ Young Researcher Award and the Hayashi Foundation Grants for Young Researchers in order to encourage young scholars and to develop philosophical researches in Japan.
The PAJ Young Researcher Award is awarded annually to the young author of the best paper of the papers published in the latest issues of 『哲學』and Tetsugaku.

The Hayashi Foundation Grants for Young Researchers are given annually to all the candidates of the PAJ Junior Researcher Award.

Contact Us
The Philosophical Association of Japan
Department of Philosophy
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Waseda University
1-24-1 Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-8644
Tetsugaku, Vol.8 (2024)
Regarding CFP Announcement for Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS)
2024年度 評議員選挙/理事・会計監査選挙 開催日程のご案内
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On the Project of Hosting the 26th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2028) in Tokyo